Fast, many featured, low config JavaScript bundler. Created for Vue, supports others (React, Svelte).
The fastest JavaScript bundler, but not as full featured as some other fast alternatives.
An impressively performant build system for JS/TS monorepos.
Continuous Delivery➔Article
A whole website to explain the concepts and motivations of continuous delivery.
How We Do Code Review➔Article
Detailed overview of a well defined review process. This one by the Microsoft VS team has emojis!
Writing Better Tickets➔Article
Defining a task well is the first step to doing a task well.
Standardize your whole toolchain. Aims to replace the disparate tools by one single tool.
Opinionated React framework. Free your mind from making many critical decisions, they know best.
Extremely opinionated code formatting. Limited config options for maximum free brain time.
Customisable linter. Define what is an issue with your code, and implement rules to forbid it.
Until the Temporal API ships, this is one of the best options for managing time in Javacript.
A fork of the Numeral library, more actively maintained.
Generate documentation website with MDX. Many bells and whistles (i18n, versioning, search).
Culture of documentation➔Article
Article from the employee handbook, laying out useful principles.
Write comments in your code, run a tool to pick them up and generate an HTML file.
React Libraries➔Article
An opinionated list of libraries for common use cases in React (forms, state management, etc.)
The most popular (by far) typed superset of JavaScript.
TypeScript at Scale➔Talk
Brie Bunge talks about AirBnB's adoption of TypeScript throughout their organization.
Not ready to let go of dynamic typing? PropTypes in React are still probably a great win for reliability.
Continue Testing➔Article
A short article listing reasons why manual testing will always be valuable.
The most popular popular testing utilities collection for React environments. Very opinionated.
The most popular end-to-end testing framework for browser applications.
The most popular JS testing framework. Will run all of your tests.
One of the many product for error reporting. Straightforward and very flexible.
The observability big guns for extremely complex systems.
The Case for Whimsy➔Talk
GitHub repo containing all the material from Josh W. Comeau's talk for React Europe 2018.
Bad Ideas & Problems➔Article
A short article from the employee handbook about collaboration through sharing.
Stripe Home➔Article
About the internal social network built by the Stripe team to connect all employees.
Postmortem Culture➔Article
Chapter about blameless postmortems from Google's SRE handbook.
The Problem With Passion➔Article
Adapted from Kim Scott's Radical Candor book, a focus on finding what motivates your teammates.